Thursday, May 13, 2010

Opiyo Denis

When I saw my Dad in Botswana, he brought tons of stuff for kids. Most of it was general donations of clothes, shoes, books, stickers, etc., but some of it was for specific kids.

Opiyo Denis' sponsors sent him a couple outfits, a ball, stickers with Jesus on them (don't know where they came from, but it was pretty entertaining), and lots of other goodies. We went and delivered his package yesterday and it was so much fun.

Opiyo is extremely shy and I've only seen him smile a couple of times in the months I've known him. Until yesterday. He was beyond excited. He just couldn't stop smiling!

He lives with his mom, who has five children. They are definitely among the most poor in the village, but the mom has such joy. She was extremely welcoming and kind. It was a lot of fun to visit their family.

Here's Opiyo modeling some of his new clothes and ball:

I haven't delivered the other gifts yet, but I can't wait to see the reactions! Also, my Mom and Grandma spent hours gathering all kinds of stuff for the kids here - they even have more to send with Laura when she comes on Tuesday.

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