Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Things

I think this is a little weird, but I'll go ahead and do it anyway because now I have been "tagged" on Facebook and through another blog. And mainly because my roommate keeps bugging me about it. So Anne, here are 25 random things about me, in no particular order:

1. I hate chocolate. The smell and taste.

2. I have lived in 4 different states.

3. I really hate when hair gets on me. I don't think hair is gross, but I freak out if it gets on me and it's not attached to a head.

4. My biggest fear about going to Mexico in March is that I will get lice in the orphanage. I worry about this a lot. Everyone else worries about the drug cartels. I know it's weird.

5. I absolutely refuse to drink milk out of a plastic cup. This one time, my roommates hid all the glasses from me and I tried drinking my milk from a plastic cup. I couldn't and poured out the rest of my milk.

6. J.P. Prince is my favorite UT basketball player. I pretty much think he's amazing.

7. My biggest passion is orphans. I talk about orphans/adoption all the time. I am planning to work with orphans oversees for a year after college. I don't know where yet.

8. Going along with #7, one of my biggest dreams is to adopt children. Probably from Russia or Ukraine.

9. I want to have 7 children (some of them adopted).

10. All of my clothes face the same way in my closet. Always.

11. I have had 19 broken bones in my life. Yes, as in 1-9.

12. I love Italian food.

13. The 4th of July is my favorite holiday.

14. I have 2 metal rods in my back.

15. I drink coffee every morning. I am currently working my way down to decaf.

16. I am planning to run a 10k in May. Probably in Washington D.C. Let me know if you want to run too!

17. I think middle-schoolers are hilarious and I volunteer with a middle school ministry.

18. I like the smell of gas stations.

19. My favorite TV show of all time is Alias. It's seriously awesome. Sydney Bristow is still my role model.

20. One of my life goals is to learn 3 languages. I currently know English, some ASL, and a tiny bit of Spanish. When I live abroad next year, I am hoping to become proficient in something else, depending on where I live.

21. I hardly ever cry.

22. I push snooze every single morning. Now I have a note on my alarm that says "Discipline" and I feel guilty if I push it more than once.

23. In second grade, we hatched chicks at school. I got to keep one as a pet. Her name was "Chubby."

24. My favorite singer is Steven Curtis Chapman. He is an awesome adoption advocate and an awesome musician.

25. I can't sleep with clothes touching my feet, legs, or arms. I roll up my pants, sleep without socks, and only wear t-shirts to bed.


Leigh Anne said...

I officially discovered your blog and am enjoying it. Faith said you sound like Monk. ha!

annabelle said...

Now, let's be clear here. This one time her roommates hid all the glass cups but left the CERAMIC cups, which are coated in a glass somethingoranother (ask the one roomie who made them, not me). So not only is Ashley unable to drink milk out of plastic, she can only drink out of certain glass cups.

Anonymous said...

You wasted that milk?!?!
I have learned many a thing about you in these 25 items, but mainly that you are a milk waster. You are right up there with the people who throw out their milk after they eat the cereal in the bowl, except that they are habitual milk wasters. You don't do that, do you Ashley?

Anonymous said...

I forgot, you should check out my 25 things.

Ash said...

Wes, you should talk someone else about my milk-wasting because clearly I had no choice in the matter!