Saturday, November 7, 2009


On Thursday I got a message from AIM asking me to call them when I got a chance. They had some questions for me. On Friday, I got a chance and called them. I was certainly unprepared for the news they gave me. They told me that my trip to Africa had been canceled.

Explanation: The trip I was going on was called the Novas project. It's the newest of AIMs programs and the January trip was going to be only the second group to be sent out. However, I found out Friday that the response has been poor and AIM was losing quite a bit of money on Novas. So they decided to cut the program. I was stunned, totally taken off guard.

I do not blame AIM for this. I understand the reasons they cut the program and I think they were very honest about the whole process. Do I wish I had known sooner? Of course. But the final deadline to apply wasn't until November 1, so I was just way ahead of the curve as far as planing and preparation goes (I know this will be shocking to those who know me...NOT!). Several people had just applied in the last few weeks. All that to say, AIM wasn't dragging out the decision-making process and passed along the news as soon as possible. I still have a great deal of respect for the organization and strongly believe that they are making a global impact for the Kingdom of Christ.

At this point, I have several options:
  1. I can go on another AIM trip. There's one leaving in January for three months. I could go to Swaziland, Kenya, or India. I am praying about this option. They also have an eleven month trip called the World Race. You visit 11 countries in 11 months. I love relational missions, so this is not a good option for me. I want to go to one country and stay there for the duration of my trip.
  2. I can find another organization to go through. As long as they're non-profit, AIM can transfer all of my support over to them. At this point, this is the option I'm leaning strongly toward. However, it's very overwhelming to think about beginning the searching process over...I'm supposed to leave in January!!
  3. I can not go and my supporters will be refunded. Obviously this is not what I want but I am trying to be open to this as a possibility.

By the grace of God, I have been filled with an overwhelming sense of peace ever since I got the news. Am I overwhelmed? Yes. Disappointed? Absolutely. Confused? Most definitely. BUT I truly am at peace with this. I'm not freaking out or devastated, just clinging to the truth that Christ will be glorified in all things and that whatever He has in store for me is much better than anything I could ever imagine.

With that said, I am still feeling incredibly overwhelmed. I have a lot of research to do if I'm going with another organization. The good news is I have all my shots, anti-malarial medication, passport, and everything else I need for spending 8 months out of the country. Hopefully that will expedite the application process with another organization.

I will do my best to keep everyone updated throughout the next couple weeks of decision-making. I would greatly appreciate your prayers, specifically for wisdom and discernment.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path. -Proverbs 3:5-6

1 comment:

Amelia said...

God totally put you on my heart yesterday, and I was praying for you. I didn't see this until today, but now I know why He was wanting me to pray. I will pray that His direction would be clear. You have a great attitude, and I know He has great plans for you... wherever that may be.