Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's all in the name...

So I'm trying my hand at this whole blogging thing. I'm a little intimidated by it, but we'll see how it goes...

First, why the name? Well, my dear sister read this quote to me a few days ago and I LOVED it! Here's the story of what it meant in the original context:

"In the Gospels, Jesus of Nazareth is often called a Rabbi – and his followers, his disciples. A disciple was someone who had chosen to be with his rabbi as much as possible in order to learn everything he could from him and not just during formal teaching times. A disciple was with his Rabbi all the time. This commitment of the disciple to stay in the presence of the rabbi he followed, was beautifully expressed in the blessing: "May you always be covered by the dust of your rabbi." That is: may you follow him so closely that the dust his feet kicks up covers your clothing and face!..."

What a cool picture of how Christians should be striving to live their lives! Such and awesome picture of discipleship, faithfulness, and devotion!

That is why I decided to name my blog "Covered in the Dust" serve as a reminder for what I should strive for daily.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment: said...

Sweet Name!!! :) YAY for you having a blog!!! Love ya!